Metal Ways - Your media and pictures resource for female fronted metal bands.

Kamelot @ 013 (Tilburg, NL) - 20.03.2009 - Metal-Ways Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery > K - O > Kamelot > Kamelot @ 013 (Tilburg, NL) - 20.03.2009

TITLE /* + */ href="/album/178/page/2/sort/ta" title="Sort by title ascending"> +  /* OLIVIA  - */  - 
FILE NAME /* OLIVIA  + */  +  /* OLIVIA  - */  - 
DATE /* OLIVIA  + */  +  /* OLIVIA  - */  - 
POSITION /* OLIVIA  + */  +  /* OLIVIA  - */  - 
This concert was a big performance. The lights were amazingly nice and the pyro effects very enjoyable. The band members covered the stage very well and Roy was extremely charismatic! The Dutch audience, usually so calm, was clearly having fun and showing it, which is not that surprising since the concert was sold out. That day was Oliver’s birthday, and it was celebrated with a nice birthday song! Besides everything else, there were two special guests that night: Simone Simons featuring on The Hauting, and Amanda Somerville featuring on Love You To Death.

Kamelot @ 013 (Thomas Youngblood)
Kamelot @ 013 (Thomas Youngblood)
Kamelot @ 013 (Roy Khan)
Kamelot @ 013 (Roy Khan)
Kamelot @ 013 (Roy Khan)
Kamelot @ 013 (Roy Khan)
19 files on 2 page(s) 2

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