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Eths @ Espace Julien (Marseille, FR) - 20.02.2009 - Metal-Ways Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery > A - E > Eths > Eths @ Espace Julien (Marseille, FR) - 20.02.2009

TITLE /* + */ href="/album/152/page/3/sort/ta" title="Sort by title ascending"> +  /* OLIVIA  - */  - 
FILE NAME /* OLIVIA  + */  +  /* OLIVIA  - */  - 
DATE /* OLIVIA  + */  +  /* OLIVIA  - */  - 
POSITION /* OLIVIA  + */  +  /* OLIVIA  - */  - 
The venue was really crowded when the Marseillais arrived on stage. The audience couldn’t wait to see them and the band received a damn warm welcome. Of course, things didn’t stop there. The atmosphere got hot, and remained that way the whole show. And it soon became clear why the crowd was supporting them so much: the band members infected them with their energy and there was a lot of interaction. Candice was always on the very front of the stage, and even if the many crowd surfers didn’t make it easy, she stood her ground until the end!

Eths @ Espace Julien (Staif)
Eths @ Espace Julien (Staif)
Eths @ Espace Julien (Staif)
Eths @ Espace Julien (Staif)
Concert Eths @ Espace Julien (Marseille, France) - 2008
Concert Eths @ Espace Julien (Marseille, France) - 2008
Eths @ Espace Julien (Shob, Staif)
Eths @ Espace Julien (Shob, Staif)
Eths @ Espace Julien (Staif)
Eths @ Espace Julien (Staif)
Eths @ Espace Julien (Musclor, Candice)
Eths @ Espace Julien (Musclor, Candice)
Eths @ Espace Julien (Staif, Musclor, Candice)
Eths @ Espace Julien (Staif, Musclor, Candice)
Eths @ Espace Julien (Candice)
Eths @ Espace Julien (Candice)
Eths @ Espace Julien (Candice, Staif)
Eths @ Espace Julien (Candice, Staif)
Eths @ Espace Julien (Greg)
Eths @ Espace Julien (Greg)
Eths @ Espace Julien (Shob)
Eths @ Espace Julien (Shob)
Eths @ Espace Julien (Staif, Candice)
Eths @ Espace Julien (Staif, Candice)
Eths @ Espace Julien (Greg)
Eths @ Espace Julien (Greg)
45 files on 3 page(s) 3

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