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Concert Eths @ Espace Julien (Marseille, France) - 2008 - Metal-Ways Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery > A - E > Eths > Eths @ Espace Julien (Marseille, FR) - 20.02.2009

Concert Eths @ Espace Julien (Marseille, France) - 2008

Concert Eths @ Espace Julien (Marseille, France) - 2008

Come back on after the concert of Eths in Marseille to see the photos gallery!

Because of an artist health issue, the ETHS band will not be able to assure the concerts planned for the 06, 07 and 08 of November 2008. The shows are reported to ulteriors dates as follows:
11/26/08 Clermont Ferrand
12/20/08 Nice
02/20/09 Marseille

The band is playing nearly every week from big venues in front of thousands to the tiniest of towns, but even there at least 500 enthusiastic followers will show up. In case somebody has never heard of Eths before, the reason is simple: Those are the people not living in France. So far, the group from Marseille has nearly exclusively concentrated on their home country. There was hardly time for them to do anything else, due to the overwhelming success Eths has had ever since their first six-track EP "Samantha" was released in the year 2002. From the start, the EP received praise reviews and as the band embarked on a tour with more than 200 concerts the audiences quickly grew until every night was sold out. Already in 2003, there was impressive media coverage from music magazine to a TV show. Following up this success was the debut-album "S�ma", which catapulted Eths onto the cover of all music press in France and beyond as well as outselling established metal-headliners like Children of Bodom or Cradle of Filth. As "T�ratologie" sees the French climbing up to yet another peak, the time has come to reach for new dimensions. Eths are ready to take on the world: Be ready for the leading of the New Wave of French Metal coming to you now!
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