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After Forever @ Burgerweeshuis (Deventer, NL) - 22.02.2007 - Metal-Ways Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery > A - E > After Forever > After Forever @ Burgerweeshuis (Deventer, NL) - 22.02.2007

TITLE /* + */ href="/album/93/page/1/sort/ta" title="Sort by title ascending"> +  /* OLIVIA  - */  - 
FILE NAME /* OLIVIA  + */  +  /* OLIVIA  - */  - 
DATE /* OLIVIA  + */  +  /* OLIVIA  - */  - 
POSITION /* OLIVIA  + */  +  /* OLIVIA  - */  - 
After a listening session of the new album before the performance, the band presented for the first time all the new songs (except for the last one: Empty Memories), to which was added the B-side that will be on the Energize Me single: Sweet Enclosure. The show lasted for 1 hour and 45 minutes. As some of the songs have a complex structure, it will take a few listening of the album to really enjoy them live.

After Forever @ Burgerweeshuis (Andre Borgman)
After Forever @ Burgerweeshuis (Andre Borgman)
After Forever @ Burgerweeshuis (Floor Jansen)
After Forever @ Burgerweeshuis (Floor Jansen)
After Forever @ Burgerweeshuis (Floor Jansen)
After Forever @ Burgerweeshuis (Floor Jansen)
After Forever @ Burgerweeshuis (Joost Van Den Broek)
After Forever @ Burgerweeshuis (Joost Van Den Broek)
After Forever @ Burgerweeshuis (Joost Van Den Broek)
After Forever @ Burgerweeshuis (Joost Van Den Broek)
5 files on 1 page(s)

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