After Forever @ CCO (Lyon, FR) - 26.09.2007 |
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The setlist of this concert was the same as the previous ones, but for the first time in quite a long time, and this is a personal point of view, we found nothing bad to say about the show. It was a good AF show, very professional, but also very energetic and exciting. Everyone enjoyed the performance, and on stage, the atmosphere was perfect.

After Forever @ CCO (Joost Van Den Broek)

After Forever @ CCO (Luuk Van Gerven)

After Forever @ CCO (Floor Jansen)

After Forever @ CCO (Floor Jansen)

After Forever @ CCO (Bas Maas)

After Forever @ CCO (Floor Jansen)

After Forever @ CCO (Joost Van Den Broek)

After Forever @ CCO (Bas Maas)

After Forever @ CCO (Bas Maas, Sander Gommans)

After Forever @ CCO (Floor Jansen)

After Forever @ CCO (Bas Maas)

After Forever @ CCO (Sander Gommans)

After Forever @ CCO (Floor Jansen)

After Forever @ CCO (Floor Jansen)